Classes and Workshops for the Public

To receive announcements, join my email list or you can follow me on Facebook.

Sexual Ergonomics: Staying Comfy While Sharing Pleasure

Smart body mechanics is the key to comfort and endurance! We’ll learn some anatomy logic and principles of good alignment, then practice solving common discomforts or fatigue in various positions. We’ll use gender-inclusive and body-positive language. We’ll be attentive to ableism and we will adapt the material based on the needs of the participants.

In-person event! Dates/times to be scheduled based on interest so please make requests.
SE Belmont location
$50 (or sliding scale)

The Art and Science of Flirtation

Jaw Therapy with Rolfing Flirtation is the art of communicating interest.... and encouraging interest to grow over time!
Send those messages in a way that is respectful but also engaging.
We will practice with classmates, or you may come with someone and just partner with them. We use principles of consent at every point along the way and we will support you in listening to yourself as you experiment with our ideas.

I'll be co-teaching with my partner Diego Beithia who is from Colombia. "Karin and Diego are renowned for their high-energy connection that inspires strangers to stop to say how adorable they are!"
We originally *failed* to flirt successfully and we were just acquaintences for a year, even though we both liked each other. We have reflected on what went wrong and we invented some fun games and roleplaying to help you learn from our mistakes!

SE Belmont location
$50 (or sliding scale)

Exploring the Enneagram

EnneagramThis personality system isn't based on birthdate. The nine types reflect archetypal patterns that shape how that person sees the world and responds to situations. Since there are more than nine types of humans in the world, there is complexity beyond the basic numbers 1 to 9, yet even at the most simple level this framework can enrich our understanding of human nature.

Please check out my collection of links on the Enneagram personality system

The Enneagram has taught me to genuinely appreciate how different another person's inner world can be from my own - and how our differences can be add richness to life. In that sense, the Enneagram can be a tool for learning Universal Love!

- Connect more deeply and ask better questions
- Perceive physical and emotional patterns
- Personalize your personal growth path

Zoom and In-person options! Dates/times to be scheduled based on interest so please make requests.
$50 (or sliding scale)

Spiritual Gifts

Dreamy Room
All of us are touched by Spirit, but in different ways. Which channels for Spirit are naturally open for you? What gifts are uniquely yours to offer to our community and to the world? How is Spirit leading you to take action? We will explore these topics in various size groups to allow for discussion. Some materials for self-reflection will be available in advance.

In-person event! Dates/times to be scheduled based on interest so please make requests.
SE Belmont location
$50 (or sliding scale)

Embodied Evolution

Cherry Blossoms
Shed your skin and evolve out of old patterns! Learn to listen to the language of the body through sensation, breath, and movement. Attune to all the layers of your being: physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. The mind is not separate from the body. Your mind and body are already connected, and we can practice living more in harmony with this relationship. Experience a deep sense of community and belonging, and leave with skills and inspiration to bring back into your life at home. This is an ideal environment for those who are already engaged in their embodiment journey and are ready to play hard and go deep.

In-person event! Dates/times to be scheduled based on interest so please make requests.

Self-Care for the Nervous System: A Movement Exploration

The nervous system impacts every aspect of our health! So let's learn how to do self-care. Deeply soothe your nervous system with this gentle sequence of movements and awareness exercises, drawn from Rolfing Structural Integration, Yoga, Ki-Aikido, Qi Gong, and other somatic practices. You will receive materials to help you apply it in daily life.

In-person event! Dates/times to be scheduled based on interest so please make requests.
SE Belmont location
$50 (or sliding scale)

This class is not intended to treat severe trauma; upon request I can provide a referral to a trained therapist. 

Jaw Therapy at Home: a video class

Jaw Therapy with RolfingDoes your jaw need some help?

Headaches, neck pain, grinding, clenching, pain or tightness in the morning, even toothaches and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can be signs of jaw trouble. For 17 years I have offered "intraoral work" in my sessions. Along with working inside the mouth on the jaw muscles, I often teach my clients how to do self-care at home.

Now you can learn this by video! We'll also explore some gentle movements that support the neck, jaw, and head.

Tickets: $50 (or sliding scale)
You can access this as a 60 minute video to watch on your own timing! Pay for your ticket by venmo @portlandrolfer or paypal, and I'll email you links for the video and a handout. 

Shifting Pain: The New Science of Pain and the Nervous System
(a video class)

Red nerves

Pain, emotions, stress, it's all linked. And it's all about the Nervous System! Let's explore how to shift our experience in this fun and informative class.

You may be surprised to learn that how our culture thinks about pain is all wrong, and the real story brings a message of hope.

The nervous system strongly influences how much pain we experience. Pain does not mean there is damage to the tissue. It means the brain wants you to be careful and pay attention! The mechanism for pain is more complicated than you might think. We will cover the science in simple terms, then experience how we can apply this information for our own body care.

Appropriate for the public, yet content-rich enough to be relevant for practitioners of all types. This class is not a substitute for medical care.

Tickets $50(or sliding scale)
You can access this as a 45 minute video to watch on your own timing! Pay for your ticket by venmo @portlandrolfer or paypal, and I'll email you links for the video and a handout.

Navigating the Nervous System: a video class

Rolfing & Trauma & The Nervous System

The nervous system impacts every aspect of our health!
Learn the basic biological reasons for emotions and stress, and gain compassion for yourself and others. We will practice how to monitor and consciously affect one's own nervous system. This material is very relevant to yoga, Aikido and other martial arts, spirituality, and personal growth work.

Past participants call this class "simple but life-changing."

Appropriate for the public, yet also will have juicy information relevant for health practitioners.
This class is not intended to treat severe trauma; upon request I can provide a referral to a trained therapist.
Based partly on the work of
Peter Levine (see his book, Waking the Tiger)

Tickets: $50 (or sliding scale)
You can access this as a 90 minute video to watch on your own timing! Pay for your ticket by venmo @portlandrolfer or paypal, and I'll email you links for the video and a handout.

Deep Fun: Cooperative Games as Medicine for the Nervous System

Our nervous systems are wired for connection! As in all mammals, the "social nervous system" helps a baby connect to their caregivers, helps children learn their family rules, and helps adults make and repair bonds with others in their community. At the highest level, the mammal nervous system allows for the joy of shared laughter, the tenderness of vulnerability, and spiritual emotions such as awe, gratitude, and a sense of connection to something far greater than ourselves.

Deep Fun, Play, RolfingAs a teenager, I learned how to use play and games to create community in my Unitarian youth group. Many of us say "it saved me." It taught me social skills (which I was severely lacking), within a context of unconditional love that made it feel safe to crack open.

I'm excited to offer these non-competitive games as medicine for the nervous system.

These games encourage creativity and layer-by-layer sharing. By the end, you may feel a sense of belonging and connection that you can take forward into your daily life.

If you would like me to bring this material to *your* group - family and friends, birthday party, sports team, church group, etc, please reach out to me. The ideal group size would be 6-25.

Some of these games involve some physical contact. I offer a non-contact version of this class by Zoom, and I'm willing to do a non-contact version as an in-person public class if there is interest, or for your private group.

In-person event! To be scheduled.
$50 (or sliding scale)

Free Structural Integration for Children (semi-annual event)

Rolfing for Children

The 13th annual children's clinic will be in spring of 2024. 

Free sessions for children ages 0-10. We provide gentle bodywork to insure healthy growth and movement patterns, perform a structural check-up for preventative care, and offer treatment for concerns such as scoliosis, growing pains, pigeon toes, and more.

Ocean Immersion: A Guided Exploration of Aquatic Movement

jellyfishLet the fluid movements of marine creatures inspire you to move in novel and interesting ways. Video projections will transform our space into an aquatic garden. Music and sounds that elicit the ocean will be interspersed with thoughtfully chosen verbal guidance. We imagine that your nervous system will be deeply soothed by this experience.

You are invited to wear clothing in ocean tones or flowing garments if that helps you get into the spirit, or simply come as you are.

In-person event!  To be scheduled based on interest.
Awakenings Wellness Center, 1016 SE 12th, a block and a half south of Belmont

Shoe Clinic

Rolfing Shoe Clinic
Learn how you can treat and prevent foot problems by choosing shoes that promote foot health. We will take a look at the natural motion of the foot,  discuss what to look for in shoes (and why!), and check your shoes to see how they measure up. (Please bring 4-6 pairs.)
You'll learn ways to modify your own shoes to improve foot health, and you'll leave with enough knowledge to confidently choose healthy shoes for future purchases. Pie Footwear is our partner for this event.  To be scheduled as a Zoom class or in person class. Offered once a year.
$50 (or sliding scale)

Visit the Healthy Feet page for short videos, articles that I wrote about feet and shoes, and more foot health resources.

Smart Sitting

Are you perplexed by the question of how to sit? 
Do you find it difficult to settle in to a comfortable sitting position without fidgeting? 

In this workshop, you will discover:

  • The natural way to sit as dictated by your anatomy
  • How to find support from the ground up
  • How your sitting posture affects your breathing, your concentration & your state of mind

To be scheduled - or contact me to schedule a class for your group. Usually offered once a year.
$50 (contact me for sliding scale)
For more information, read this article on sitting by my colleague Mary Bond, Certified Advanced Rolfer.


Posture from the Ground Up

Why do we need a new approach to posture? The truth is the old ideas–Shoulders back! Head up!–make most people feel stiff and unnatural. Healthy posture can be discovered from within, by cultivating your body’s ability to feel. In this workshop we'll share ideas about pain-free body use, including:

  • How your perception of the world creates your posture
  • Awareness of key zones in your body that shape alignment
  • How to change your habits without self-criticism

To be scheduled - or contact me to schedule a class for your group. Usually offered once a year.
$50 (contact me for sliding scale)
For more information, read this book on posture by my colleague Mary Bond, Certified Advanced Rolfer.

  • © 2025 Karin Edwards Certified Advanced Rolfer. All rights reserved.
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